The 1-2-3 of Mobile App Development

Formulating a consistent approach to mobile app development is the key to achieving success and attaining desired results. In mobility, success more often than not is equated with a high level of user adoption. To achieve a high rate of user adoption, the following three principles/steps can be closely adhered to:
  1. Deliver a Minimum Viable Product: Once again, this idea harks back to the motto of this blog site: In mobile, there’s a big premium on creating single-purpose, first-class experiences. (Mark Zuckerberg) The emphasis is on 'single-purpose' which narrows down the app's focus and makes 'first-class experience' a reality that is within the grasp of the deliverable. 
  2. Use Analytics Metrics to Measure Adoption Results: Using a Mobile Back-end as a Service (MBaaS) vendor to gather analytics data, granular tracking of the user adoption metrics is imperative to finding out what is and is not working when the app is engaged in the field. The analytics data is to be used as a feedback mechanism to course-correct and map out future enhancements/releases.
  3. High Release Cycle Frequency: What is the appropriate number of releases in one year? The answer is as many as you can manage. Obviously every release has to be carefully planned and tested. However, rapid release cycles in mobility are the key to keeping up with the fast pace of the changes in the mobile industry and your user base's shifting preferences. Having said that, anything less than four full releases a year is probably unacceptable.
The following blogpost on the Appcelerator site provides additional insight on this approach to mobile app development:

3 Steps to Deal with Low Mobile App Adoption


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