Kellogg Embraces Mobility

Viral Shah, Mobility Architect & Strategist from Kellogg Company gave an interview at the 2013 Enterprise Mobility Exchange conference in Miami. I was impressed by some of his key enterprise mobility experience take aways:
  1. User Adoption Justifies ROI: The emphasis in mobile is not necessarily some quantifiable contribution to bottom-line. User adoption is really the metric to focalize on.
  2. User-friendly is now User Delight: In mobile we are seeking the 'User Delight' experience. This is an important distinction because mobile users are highly prone to totally disengage given a less than ideal experience.
  3. Take Baby Steps: Enterprise mobility is very complex. An incremental approach to adoption is an imperative element in ensuring a successful outcome.
  4. Focus on User Needs: Although this seems like an intuitive concept, more often than not the common approach revolves around providing users what IT thinks or believes users need. 
  5. Create a Common UX: A nebulous concept at best but for a mobility project this is a critical point of departure. A common UX across all mobility engagement entities creates mobile experience brand awareness which, from the marketing standpoint, establishes the desired identity across myriad mobile platforms, form factors and devices.


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